Lots to process, as always. Thanks Franco. Maybe we are just seeing how some things really are for the first time, now that the curtain has been pulled back. Nothing changed; it has always been this way. We just weren't aware of it.

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Very good insight, KC. I think you're on to it.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Franco Amati

“The most dangerous kind of person… is one who is afraid of his own shadow.”

Or a person that is reasonably afraid of a shadow that pretends to be belong to him.

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Ha yes, or that

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A strong piece of work. Loved it.

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Thank you!

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The thing is we are constantly battered with bad news and fear.

A constant state of fear.

Leads to distrust so the only person we trust is ourselves.

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So true! I feel like bad news and fear comes form every direction. Well said, Karl.

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Franco, loved that one. I am in Sonic Decay myself, just listen to this shit I am going thru:


But your poem this week was special to me, as I had to turn down a role as an actor (and I've never been on that side of the cam, ever, just always was the one pushing the buttons or turning dials). Yet still, I was offered the co-lead of what I thought to be a Russian misinformation script (it was not, just a young director), but "Don't Participate in Bad Scenes" is also part of my code. So thx for the affirmation!

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Thank you Jigs! I'm glad this resonated with your experience.

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The last paragraph of your discussion brought me to tears. It is thoughts like these I cling to when the maelstrom whips itself up.

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I'm glad I could inspire such a reaction. Thank you Sandy!

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The fragility of being you, at the center of a storm of self-doubt and paranoid fear. In the end, your subject is still standing there. An optimistic message! Totally relatable.

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Thank you, I'm glad it resonated with you! :)

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Jun 18Liked by Franco Amati

This is a good angle on a kind of anxiety many people share. What do we do when people, systems, etc fail us, hurt us , etc? Distrust is a way to protect yourself, so you either distrust yourself to protect yourself or you distrust others or both. I deal with anxiety and ask myself more questions about my reactions to situations than I did before. Knowing who you are underneath what life dealt you is important to realistically move forward thru all the noise.

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I think asking yourself more questions about the reactions is important. Thank you, Jen! excellent insights

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I find it relatable how when things fall apart it hits your self esteem and you end up not trusting people. I’m just coming out of one of those periods myself and am looking at the world brother how

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Yeah it's not easy, but it's good to hear that people understand and share common experiences

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Jun 17Liked by Franco Amati

A fragile part of you and may need constant reassurance or it may not

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Right, thank you, Karen

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Jun 17Liked by Franco Amati

Your explanation makes more sense of your words.Your sense of worth and confidence can be a fragil

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Yes thank you

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Jun 17Liked by Franco Amati

Really enjoy your work. Especially the ending on this piece "I know who I am

and I know where I want to be

and that’s enough".

What else does humanity have if not reliance on ourself and some semblance of hope when you can't trust anyone? I will have to pick up A Scanner Darkly. Look forward to your next piece.

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Thank you, no one. I really appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the book.

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Your revelation text comments succinctly on the desperation of our 21st century schizoid world.

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Thank you, I'm glad you appreciated it, David.

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Jun 17Liked by Franco Amati

what do i get for being third

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Three hearts! ❤️❤️❤️ And 🥞

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Your exposition tallies the tale told . Wraps words in a bow. Covers lines to explain what I could have missed, but writing is true to form, I move on to a sonic decay of sounds soufflé with the echoes fading in the ear canal canyon.

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I love it, thank you

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