Nothing is "normal" because there is no such thing, thank goodness. We make "normal" whatever we want it to be. It's our construct to mold.

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Well said. Thank you, DC.

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Excellent poem Franco.

I suppose there are 3 types of bosses in the world Risk takers, piss takers and just takers.

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Thank you, Karl.and all three types suck lol.

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I've heard the quickest path to enlightenment is to become mindless. Your thoughts are always dwelling in the past or jumping ahead to the future and neither exist. To be out of your mind should be taken as a compliment.

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I hope to be out of my mind too someday. But while I have a decent mind I'd like to use it on worthwhile things.

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Well, practically speaking, one must deal with the demands of living in the material world and handling our responsibilities, but when doing so, do so 100%. If it's playing with your children, become a child, be silly and goofy, find out what they know. If it's a project at work that requires your analytical mind, then give it your full attention, bring all of your training and expertise to bear. When you're done with your tasks, get back out of your own cranium and out of your mind. Thoughts are a distraction, unless they're necessary to complete a task.😄😄😆

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B808 If you ever find yourself in a situation where it is impeditive to keep your mouth shut, your thoughts to yourself, and live that way for a while by choice, the mind becomes quiet. I guess it could be called a sort of meditation. Letting thought pass through you, unvoiced, letting the emotion go with it. I'm still in there, in my mind, but I am completely content and happy. I don't know what enlightenment is in reality.

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Thank you for responding. Yes, enlightenment is a nebulous state of being, only achieved by a handful of monkish folks, but I use it to illustrate the usefulness of remaining in your immediate world and responding to what confronts you in the present. Don't let the world pass you by. Thanks, again. In passing, some might ask what happiness is and is it our ultimate goal, or merely a temporary state that seems too unstable and hard to maintain? Is the next step Joy and what is that?

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" it was the loudmouths who got punished."

Everywhere. Especially under dictatorship.

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Yes! Sadly

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Perhaps we need to be less judgemental when we see and hear things and learn to reflect and think deeply about how we feel or should react.o

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Yes most definitely. Thank you, Karen. : 🙂

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The Myth of Normal; by Gabor Maté is an excellent read.

None are normal because all our ghostly thoughts are intently abnormal. The normalcy rests in the murkiness of the between. That gray Margaret Atwood has spoken of. Between the extremes. Though when an abnormal end begins to appear normal across the field; then problems begin to form.

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Very interesting, I will have to read that, Joe. Thank you for your comment.

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This was so me today. Because I kept the thought in check - I have bite marks on the backs of my lips. Yet another amazing piece, which made me feel so much better!

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Thank you, V. Glad it resonated with you today.

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This is a good poem! And I find it relatable due to how some feelings we have aren’t exactly seen as positive and we’re expected to keep it to ourselves but it doesn’t always help us.

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Thank you!

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This pretty powerful, and specific. . Have you unwittingly described what it might feel like to be a slave. That would be an extreme example. Is this what it would feel like t work under, or live with a fascist?

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Insightful stuff here, Franco. If we look to Nature, it is always changing to adapt to its environment. No one comes along and shouts - Hey, you can't do that! Make those petals purple again.

Humans on the other hand have become very careful. Stopping natural change because it offends. But if we stop the changes needed to adapt to a new environment, eventually we'll cease to exist. But at least we'll go out being liked by everyone. I too have worked the mind-numbing jobs. Where periodically I would have to reorient myself. Where am I? What day is it? What am I doing? All food for thought.

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Thank you, Joe! Yes those are the usual questions. Where am I? What am I even doing here? Love your insights, brother.

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Oh, and, excellent poetry - as always!

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Thank you, Zivah!

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Great post on thoughts. I used to identify with mine until I took up meditation practice to drain the pus from my brain metaphorically. I realized most dominant human thoughts are small, limited, conditioned, and untrue!

Everyone is the same and there is little to no originality in dominant culture.

It seems like we are bullied out of critical thinking or bold, innovative thinking. I am hopeful this is all changing as we raise our collective consciousness.

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You can control your thoughts, but not often; thoughts have to get through a gate to walk in the pasture as communicated thoughts…communicated in word or deed.

Those of us suffering from ego and hubris think that the world is waiting with baited breath to hear our thoughts. I suffer that affliction in spades.

Thoughts are the baseball in the hand of the pitcher on the mound; it gets released after a signal from the catcher. If the pitcher releases a pitch that the catcher didn’t call, the ball might get hit out of the park, much to the pitcher’s embarrassment. If he does that too often, he may be out of a job and without fans.

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Thoughts are the baseball. Very good, JRB. Thank you.

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I am hopeful that it will change too.

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Thank you, Nessa

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What color is your parachute is a book I read years ago when I hated a job given to me by employment agency. I found my niche in life and where I could be happy as my own boss, landscape writer and dreamer.

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Thanks Richard!

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“For a minute there, I lost myself…” 🎵

Etiquette police

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:) ha thank you, Van!

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This is a fucking brilliant poem. And just what I needed to read on a Monday as I head off to my mind numbing job. Thank you Franco!

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Thank you, Scarlett!

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