Cheers to the road less traveled, Franco. It’s not an easy choice, but it feels so good when we have the guts to give it a go. May this poem encourage more small acts of rebellion.

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Oh, I've so been here! It began with my parents refusing to pay my tuition for college if I majored in theater...and I knuckled under. Continued from there UNTIL I retired/got to the age where I lost enough friends to realize it truly is NOW or never. No, I haven't gotten head shots or done a tape but I'm writing poetry and singing after 30 plus years of silence So there you go! My advice to those of you younger. Don your Nikes and just do it!

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Wow, Jenine. I came to write very nearly just what you have! My goodness....just change the major and yep, all of this. GREAT ADVICE! Glad you show that it is never too late, and even if the years of youth have already gone, start right where you are! I'm doing the same....writing after putting my own desires aside for years.....didn't Franco hit the nail on the head with this one! Blessings to you and all the best in your writing and singing!

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Expressing a lot of what’s happening for me lately, and my angst for others in the world right now too.. thank you for putting words to it all. So much love to you Franco, and to everyone else here. ❤️

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Thank you, Trish. Right back at you ❤️

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Sep 23Liked by Franco Amati

Stop being scared of living life the way YOU want to…and start to do all the things you’ve been wanting to do! Don’t care what others might say/do…that’s on them..set yourself free & dare to try new things..feel excited about your dreams! 💕

Don’t let anybody criticise you.

Stay in your ‘Power’ 🙌

It’s YOUR life!!

So live it, YOUR way!!

Enjoy it..

Be carefree..😄

We’re only here ONCE & it goes so fast! 🥹 Go for it!

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Thank you Deb ❤️

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Sep 23Liked by Franco Amati

Wow! This is amazing 🥲

I needed to read this today!

You couldn’t be more right in every single thing you put!

Wow!! 💯👌👌👌 well done 👏

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Thank you Deb. I appreciate this very much.

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Yeah, that hit the spot. Rang the bell that marks a truth slipping in through the gate, and greeting us with a hug. In the past I've read so many stories, so many articles that talk about what courage is how it manifests and most of them talked about bravery under fire. But what about getting up in the morning and going to work when you don't want to, because the job squeezes the spirit. Sitting down to do math with your son at 8 pm when you're so tired you want to cry. Humans are amazing creatures who endure. Thanks for this one, Franco.

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Thank you Joe. The job does squeeze the spirit. Modern tragedies. Timeless.

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Thanks! Have a wonderful week!

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You too

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I teach poetry at the college where I work! So it is great hearing feedback!

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That's wonderful. Means a lot to have you here.

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Beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it!

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Thanks Eagle Eye. I'm happy you like it.

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What; how did you drop that!?

“eviscerate you with their blades 

of shame”

That sounds like a line Immortal Technique would roll out; though I don’t think he has.

Solid set!

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Thank you so much Joe. Really glad you appreciated it today.

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Sep 23Liked by Franco Amati

Don't be a zombie

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Right on time 🙌🏾

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Thank you Reginald 😊

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I was going through my emails. This one stopped me in my tracks. I found myself anguishing in unison with the lines that felt like my struggle against poverty. I'm right on the edge. Not of ending things, but of poverty itself. It always feels like I've been skirting the cliff face. I've become determined in these last few months to be rid of it. Now it feels like I'm running. Now it feels like I'm trying to fly. I'm grateful that my friends and my family. My loved ones and the world around me have been kind. Though I know neighbors not even a mile away do not have that luck. Thank you for sharing.

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It means a lot to me that this poem reached you. It sounds like you really understand and can relate to the struggle. Thank you for your solidarity and for this thoughtful comment, Mario.

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I needed this today

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Sep 23Liked by Franco Amati

Me too! 🥹

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thanks, I'm glad it hit you

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I just put in my 2 week notice. Without another job lined up! And I'm a single dad!! Shit just got real! I wish I felt better. I thought it would be a real relief... but Lana Del Ray said it right, "Everywhere you go you take your self that's not alive."

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Love to live. Love to love. Get messy. Repeat.

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