No, you’re not getting to do whatever you desire, and as you get older, you’ll learn to give less than three fucks about what anyone thinks. And to your point, opinionated individuals shouldn’t pry, it’s rude, unbecoming and unwarranted.

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Totally with you . Less fucks to give the better.

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Right the fuck in, Franco!

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Cheers to the gray areas, where the black and white mingle. Perfect read to start my day.

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Thank you, Marjorie. Yes cheers to that.

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it matters not when the dream arrives. Only if it arrives or not, and even if it never does, did you appreciate the journey along the way....?

I leave you with the absurd Uncle John and Whitelock - https://unclejohnwhitelock.bandcamp.com/track/dont-let-me-die

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Absolutely. Enjoy the journey. Do as you please. Thank you, Crapp!

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Sometimes, not giving a fuck about what others think is the right way, Franco. Soldier on.

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You're right about that. Thank you D.C.!

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Life isn't just back or white - there are a lot more colours than you know

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Very true, thank you Karen.

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This. This is what I have felt and fought against in my own head for so many year-- everything you expressed here. I too will go WALKING and never sell out, regardless of the projections of society and others. I will not go onto the conveyor belt. Thank you so much for this piece.

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Thank you!! I'm very happy it resonated with you. Stay strong and keep walking, always.

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Franco I've read this poem a couple of times and I've listened to you read it a couple of times - it hasn't gotten stale yet. I'm 57 years old, and I'm a long way from the retirement home. My father is 83 and headed to Nova Scotia next week and then on to Canada (we live in the same small town in Alabama). Bob Dylan says it best. "He not busy being born is busy dying." So die walking big guy. Never quit and never let them take you alive...

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Many thanks, Jeffrey. It puts a smile on my face to hear that my words resonated with you. I will do my best to never let them take me alive. Stay tuned, brother. Best regards to you and your father.

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If you are meant to be a writer, you must write. You feel compelled to get the words that express your thoughts, ideas, and emotions on the page. That feeling never goes away if you are a writer. The rest is the ego speaking. Die walking? Hell, I know you and I will die writing, Franco.

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Yes, it's a compulsion that can't be denied. We will, KC, we will.

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Never quit learning and doing.

It’s that simple.

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the best years r ahead of us 🫨

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yes 🥞 🥚 🥓 ❤️

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It is never to late.

I learned in MIDLIFE that all my so-called achievements were useless.

That living in present moment awareness keeps me in touch with my true essence and therefore to what I authentically love. Reminder for how I love to be in the world.

Here is hoping that the future human will dissolve egos, be more, and do less.

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Awareness of the present moment is key, as you said. That's what matters. Thank you, Nessa!

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"it’s a beautiful thing

to cruise into maturity,

into the abyss of uncertainty

with the outlook of a fresh soul…

so I don’t know about you

but I’ll die trying,

I’ll die walking"

Yes... the meaning of the phrase, "It's a good day to die." That's not a suicide line; it's an affirmation of living large, as they say....

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Living large indeed. If only more people knew how. What a real affirmation that is. Thank you, Peter, deeply.

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Just what I needed to hear today!

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Glad you enjoyed it, Jeffrey!

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Keep up the good work!!

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I will. Thank m you very much.

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just what this sixty something needed on this moody Monday morning

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I'm glad it helped. Thank you QueenD :)

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Damn good relateable stuff here. But that's a pattern from you :-) Way to end this one!!

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Thank you, Marie ❤️

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Beautifully expressed.

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Thank you, Patricia!

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