I've heard that it's good to let kids be bored because it leads to creativity. If that's true, we writers must be a very bored lot indeed!

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most definitely, let them be bored—that's where the creativity is born

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It was boredom more than anything else that started me writing. Other things helped me continue, but nothing comes close to “fighting vainly the old ennui.”

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Well said. I think that's true for many of us. It's great entertainment.

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Thank you for that invitation to be who we are, show up as we are, and not distract ourselves all the time so that we don’t experience boredom. There is an invitation for self reflection in boredom ... ❤️

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yes, enjoy the boredom. and find yourself there. :) thank you

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Loved this! Not sure if we worship excellence too much these days -- I don't see a lot of it when I look around. I think we worship status, hype, fame and all the other extremes too much, though. Personally, I prefer the scenic middle road. :)

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Thank you, Erin. I'm with you on that--it's status, fame, hype, all of that. Nothing like a good scenic peaceful road.

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That's awesome, Franco!! (Sorry, the Devil made me do that.)

Seriously, I've heard that this excessive enthusiasm is particularly a thing in the US. Aussies are pretty low-key in my experience, and Brits positively meh about most things. But I'm all about people doing the best they can, if they want, and it doesn't have to be fucking brilliant in anyone else's estimation. For example I teach banjo to older students, some of whom may be in their 70s, and this may be the first instrument they've ever picked up, and it makes my heart glad when they can play a few chords and I see them progressing and being proud of what they can do.

Good piece, mate. You always have an interesting perspective.

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Thank you, Steve. I appreciate it. You raise some great points. I wish people here were more like that.

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Brilliant, genius! haha. Only joking. But in all seriousness, your stuff does always gets me thinking and puts reality in perspective for me. And the reading on this was quite good in my opinion.

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ha, thx Ria :)

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so true!!

"Professional athletes—people who literally play a made up game for a living—are among the highest regarded human beings on the planet. And outside of luck and knowing other famous people, little separates writers on the bestseller lists from the talented nobodies suffering in obscurity."

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:) thanks for reading today, Peter

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I think my Subtsack clearly falls into the category of "Whatever." lol Best wishes

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thank you, Think Dragon. We all need a little whatever.

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I see a swing of the pendulum: everything is so *awesome* today because everything was so *horrific* yesterday, and we became so accustomed to Boredom that we need to seize on any and all Excitement to remind ourselves we're still alive.

Things will settle down eventually, as they always do...

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I'm encouraged by your words. I hope they settle down too. Thank you, Victoria. :)

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"not everything needs to be fucking brilliant' - Spot ON! still laughing at this great reminder :-)

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aw haha thank you, Marjorie. Happy you liked it.

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I was just thinking last night that I’d like to start writing essays titled In Defense of. In defense of beige. In defense of boredom. In defense of vanilla. In defense of meh. In defense of porridge. So thank you for echoing my argument. Grey is a good place to be. 🙏

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:) sounds like we're on a similar wavelength. thanks, Kim ❤️

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I conflate boredom

With having nothing to do

Perhaps I shouldn't

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:) thanks haiku bandit

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Pretty good. Thanks.

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Thank you, Dee

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I hope that compliment was adequately mediocre. 😉

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Haha it was beautifully mediocre. Much appreciated;)

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I feel you on the top-shelf word thing. It's like the second a person finds a 75 cent word in some literary novel or something they have to use it to describe the dumbest of things. Nothing wrong with using simple words to describe simple things.

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yes, exactly. amen to that

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I just love the pairing of the words Boredom and Dissonance as if in most people's minds being bored means you are in disharmony with something. But there's a type of boredom that is not stultifying, but rather liberating. It's the freedom from having to do something that other people expect you to do. And that's what I got out of this most of all. Enjoyed this very much, Franco

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Yep, you read my mind on that one. Well done, Ria.

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i feel enormous gratitude for your words.

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Thank so much Alixandra. That means a lot. ❤️

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Ah the joy of mediocrity once when I was bored I began to write hope it continues. Really liked your voice reading of this piece.

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Thank you, Lisa. I'm glad you enjoyed the reading:)

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